Working alongside my clients, I help shine a light on positive, initiatives creating systemic, long-term, transformational change for people and and our planet.
To meet the needs of diverse groups and those that need a greater voice for positive change, together we can empower community groups and for-purpose organisations to communicate messages with key target audiences effectively and efficiently.
Through the delivery of bespoke and individualised solutions through cutting-edge design, I aspire to provide beautiful, efficient and effective marketing and communications content.
I support kaupapa Māori values and Māori-led projects to enable Māori initiatives to connect with whānau and key stakeholders, for thriving and healthy communities. I believe that here in Aotearoa New Zealand, what is good for Māori is good for us all and I tautoko the tāngata whenua of this unique and beautiful land.
Key to my mahi and all my work, is establishing authentic relationships and enabling whakawhanaungatanga, to develop meaningful connections and collaborations to reach solutions.
Because the wellbeing of our communities are intertwined and dependent on the health of te taiao, our environment, Creative Good prioritises environmental causes through communications and advocacy, informing people of what they can do to take action and make a difference for papatuanuku, our mother earth, so that together we can ensure a healthy, sustainable future for us all.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou,
nau mai haere mai.
AquaWatch is revolutionising water monitoring solutions to better manage and value our most precious resource—water. We collaborated with AquaWatch to refine their organisational and operational strategies, ensuring workflows that support growth and innovation. Our development of a comprehensive communications strategy and brand identity ensured their foundational communications were targeted and aligned with their core values.
By designing an engaging website and dynamic social media content, we enhanced their online presence, while compelling storytelling, videos, and presentations highlighted AquaWatch's mission, increasing awareness and sales opportunities. We also helped optimise their sales process with HubSpot integrations and reporting, driving growth and revenue through efficient lead management.
Boon Street Art Festival
We worked with the wonderfully creative people at the Boon Street Art Festival to develop a communications strategy and this new website to profile the creative brand of Boon, the artists and the best ever, street art festival, held in Kirikiriroa Hamilton.
Raukūmara Pae Maunga
Raukūmara Pae Maunga is a Māori-led project for biodiversity restoration on the East Cape being driven by the iwi Te Whānau a Apanui and Ngāti Porou. Foundational communications work helped to raise awareness of the project, build relationships with stakeholders, and ensure that the project's story is told in a way that upholds the mana of all involved.
Delivery included the communications strategy to reach key target audiences, brand identity guidelines to ensure consistent use of the project's logo, colours, fonts, style of copy, use of imagery and content creation, and a new website. The social media plan, content and ongoing social media management was delivered, pānui (newsletters) were written and stories of impact were shared to highlight the progress and impact on the environment, the community, and the iwi.
Poutiria te Aroha
Poutiria te Aroha offers parenting programmes that resonate with whānau Māori. The programmes offered by Poutiria te Aroha draw on Māori cultural values and tikanga for raising tamariki, along with the traditions of nonviolence, evident in the philosophy of peaceful resistance in Aotearoa (eg Parihaka) and overseas.
For this website we incorporated key elements such as pou designs, and the font and colour palette of Poutiria te Aroha, to produce a unified and connected feel, that would resonate with whānau Māori. A video that shines a light on the positive impacts being created through these programmes was also created.
Digital Equity Coalition Aotearoa
The Digital Equity Coalition Aotearoa (DECA) connects and supports the digital inclusion community in Aotearoa, so that every New Zealander can have clear, appropriate and affordable pathways to participate in digital life.
To shine a light on this important mahi we developed foundational communications including their communications strategy, brand identity guidelines, this video showcasing their vision and solutions, and key content such as community resources and their annual report.
K'aute Pasifika
During the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, we engaged with the team at K'aute Pasifika to deliver communications support through social media updates, as well as developing the K'aute Pasifika Annual Report 2020.
We also created a communications strategy and video to profile the developments of the new Pan Pacific Community Hub in Kirikiriroa Hamilton.
Endangered Species Foundation
The Endangered Species Foundation needed a new website to showcase the wonderful mahi they are doing to advocate for the protection of endangered species and their habitats. This new website allows supporters to navigate the site easily with clear calls to action.
A communications and fundraising strategy was also developed and stakeholder engagement, content development and social media delivery is now underway to raise awareness and engagement with target audiences.
Kiwis Against Seabed Mining (KASM) increases awareness of seabed mining proposals across Aotearoa and aims to stop future mining. Seabed mining uses machines to extract elements deep within the seabed, scraping the sea floor and damaging marine life.
We designed this website for KASM to help protect, advocate for and preserve our moana and all the lifeforce that lives within and on our seabeds. A key focus for the website was to enable people to take action via signing petitions, joining social media communities, registering for e-news and supporting through donations and merchandise purchases.
Hauora Manawa
Hapātia te Hauora Manawa is improving heart health for Māori communities through a kanohi ki te kanohi, face-to-face, approach in the community. Working with the team at the Waikato DHB, together we established key messaging, content to profile and this website this innovative new initiative.
Origin Research Trust
Origin Research Trust enables for-purpose organisations to improve their community service through research and evaluation strategies and tools. This new consultancy needed a website to enable client engagement and to really clearly explain their offering. We worked together to create a simple, effective website that reflected the communities they serve.
Waikato Plan

Founded on four pou of wellbeing, the Waikato Plan brings together leaders and strategies to enable collaborative direction for the Waikato region.
We worked alongside the Waikato Plan team to develop this website and write stories,to showcase the transformational initiatives that are creating systemic, high impact change in our communities.